A cool breeze weathered outside, but nothing deterred my five-year-old from opening the glass slider. We exalted our great God and glorious King. The air guitar strummed at full capacity and the hair brush became our cordless mic.
After some papers flew off the counter I told him it was time to close the door. With full confidence and endearing exuberance he exclaimed, "But, I want God to hear it!"
My heart fluttered like the leaves clapping on the trees. The glass slider remained open.
Blessings unfold when we witness children worship God through song and dance. With loud voices and cheering hands, words are proudly proclaimed, even if out of tune. They just sing their little hearts out for Jesus. Children tend to worship with uninhibited confidence. Maybe it's because they're not so concerned with what others think. Which, forces me to ask, Do I worship uninhibited? How concerned am I with what others think?
King David's example is one for us to follow. Not only do his Psalms extol God's greatness, but his example testifies to God's greatness. The passage found in 2 Samuel 6:12-23 recounts the story of David returning the Ark of the Lord to Jerusalem, its rightful place. Verse 14 tells us David danced before the Lord with all his might. The Israelite's were having a party. They celebrated and shouted to God for the Ark's return.
David's wife Michal watched from a nearby window. When she saw him leap and dance before the Lord she despised him in her heart. She was disgusted because he disrobed and only wore a linen ephod as he twisted and tangoed (vs. 14 & 20). Apparently, David wasn't following her prescribed checklist for proper worship. She regarded more what others might think.
David's pursuit was not her passion. What David desired, she despised. What God celebrated, she scorned.
When David returned home he was met with Michal's razor sharp tongue trying to cut through his joy. She unloaded a canon of criticism. With her rebuke came his rebuttal. "I will celebrate before the Lord. I will become even more undignified than this, and I will be humiliated in my own eyes."
David knew his worship was fitting for what the Lord had done for Israel. He acknowledged it was God who brought back the Ark of the Lord. David worshiped uninhibited. What others thought was of no concern to his demonstration of love. Bringing glory and honor before His King was his purpose. David declared what true worship is: to honor and revere the worthiness of God.
We have equal reason to celebrate before the Lord, but sometimes we're hindered for a variety of reasons. Worship can become a calloused expression if we just go through the motions. Have we become much less than vertical coffins. If we watch how others worship we will fail to participate ourselves. Similarly, if we are more worried about others thoughts of us we will neglect to experience greater intimacy with our Lord. Our eyes must be fixed on Jesus; the only One deserving of our worship.
Worship does not merely exist in brick and mortar once a week from 10:00-11:30 am. No. If we relegate worship to a certain day each week or to just singing songs, we miss its true meaning and mission. In fact, many people can go to church and not even truly worship God. Worship is an attitude and expression of our heart, residing and exuding from within the temple of the Holy Spirit.
David's willing humiliation, became God's ultimate honor. Our greatest expression of worship will result from our deepest connection to His love.
Heart Work:
Ask the Lord to remove any insecurities you may have with worshiping Him. Seek to please and worship Him alone.
Consider for yourself whether you embrace David's example of worship, or if you cling to Michal's.
Heart Exam:
Are you more concerned with what others think of your worship than what God thinks? How does pride inhibit your uninhibited worship?
How is your worship fitting for what God has done for you?
How willing are you to be humiliated for God's honor?
Why is it important to understand that worship is not just a Sunday morning experience?
Heart Transforming Word:
1 Chronicles 16:28 & 29 (NIV 1984) "Ascribe to the Lord glory and strength, ascribe to the Lord the glory due His name, worship the Lord in the splendor of his holiness."
2 Chronicles 29:30 "So they sang praises with gladness and bowed their heads and worshiped."
Psalm 95:1, 2, & 6 "Come, let us sing for joy to the Lord; let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation. Let us come before Him with thanksgiving and extol him with music and song. Come, let us bow down in worship, let us kneel before the Lord our Maker; for He is our God."
Psalm 100:1 & 2 "Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth. Worship the Lord with gladness; come before Him with joyful songs."
Psalm 101: 1 "I will sing of your love and justice; to you, O Lord, I will sing praise."
Matthew 28:9 "Suddenly Jesus met them. 'Greetings,' he said. They came to him, clasped his feet and worshiped Him."
Hebrews 13:15 (NLT) "Therefore, let us offer through Jesus a continual sacrifice of praise to God, proclaiming our allegiance to his name."
Copyright 2010 by Hester Christensen. Edited 2013. All rights reserved.
You've hit a weak spot for me- I'm definitely not a "put your hands up in the air" kind of girl during worship services. But I do try to find ways to worship God every day, in small ways, like pointing out the sunrise to my children. Thanks for this wonderful reminder, with great scriptural references!
DeleteI appreciate your comment and openness to share. The beauty of worship is that there is great freedom in our expression of love to our God. Pointing out the sunrise can be as equally edifying to Him as one raising their hands. ;)
God bless you Julia!
Love, Hester ;)
Great post, Hester. I read this and think of my denomination, and how open we are in some regards, but bound in so many others. It makes me sad, but grateful I can have my own personal worship, as free and uninhibited as I please, whenever I please!
ReplyDeleteOh for the day when we will live every minute in worship! Maranatha!!
Thanks Susan,
DeleteI understand what you're saying and am grateful too for the more private moments of intimacy with God.
Maranatha indeed!
Love, Hester ;)
I agree with Julia. You hit my weak spot as well. For years we went to a certain denomination that did not encourage "hands up in the air" type worship. 10 years later, we joined a non-denomination and although it took a couple of years, I finally felt free to do so -- and loved it. 8 years later, we went back to the previous denomination, which meant, at least for me, that the "hands up in the air" worship was limited for home and car (when at stop lights :) 3 years later, we're back at a non-denominational church but I once again find myself struggling. My heart is raised even though my hands are not. And yet, I know something is amiss.
ReplyDeleteThere's nothing I enjoy more than raising my voice and hands to the Lord in my private time of worship. So why do I struggle to do so with my new church family? Sigh.
God bless you, Hester. You are a precious mother to your children. :)
DeleteThank you for sharing so openly with me with your journey of worship. I understand your struggle b/c I've experienced it myself. I know for me, it has become easier the more I focus on Who I am worshiping and not the opinions of others (or what I think they might think). I also know how being in an environment that does not openly express can also stifle us.
May we both be led to reveal our love for God in private and public as His Spirit leads us.
Love to you, Hester ;)
Thank you, Hester.
Delete"...as His Spirit leads us" is key. I'll be thinking of the sweet freedom your son enjoys this Sunday morning, while remaining sensitive to the Spirit's leading.
Love to you!
Bless you Cathy,
DeleteI meant to say last thank you in my previous comment about your kind words for me as a mother. I'm humbled and amazed at how much the Lord uses them to teach me. ;) God bless your Sunday too! ;)
Much love, Hester ;)
Oh this spoke to me! Will and I are a little more reserved and we sometimes feel uncomfortable in church. I need to remember to "fix" my yes on Jesus and not the others'. Have a great day!
DeleteThank you for sharing with me today. You're so right, we must keep our eyes fixed on Jesus -- when He is our focus, others are not. ;)
God bless your weekend,
Love, Hester ;)
"I want God to hear"! This post made me smile... ~ Love out girl, Amy :)
ReplyDeleteThank you Amy!
DeleteThis story is a precious remembrance for me as a Mother. ;)
Love, Hester ;)
I loved how your son wanted GOD to hear your praise to HIM.
ReplyDeleteI was for 10 years going to a church of England, before going to
an evangelical church. Even though I praise GOD openly in my home.
I do have a tendency to be more reserved at church.
Thank You for your message Hester.
Love Lorraine
DeleteThank you so much for your comment today. God bless you as you worship our King! I appreciate your feedback and encouragement.
Love, Hester ;)
Yep, me too. Far too concerned about others when my audience is truly just HIM. Thanks, Hester!
ReplyDeleteThanks Kirsten,
DeletePeople concern can be a trap for us, huh? ;(
May we strive to remember our audience of One.
Love, Hester ;)
Oh friend, you made me want to turn the radio (Christian, of course) up loud and dance with all my might!! And He is so worthy! Thanks for putting a song in my heart today!
DeleteI just love your enthusiasm. :) Thank you for your comment and for sharing His joy!
Live God Loud & Proud!
Love, Hester ;)